Former Secretary General of the Kenya Civil Servants Union, human rights activists and Current Member of the Presidential Advisory Board of the Republican National Committee, USA Dr.Isaac Newton Kinity has attributed the suffering of Kenyans to rampant corruption.
Dr.Isaac Kinity at a past press conference.PHOTO/PRISTONE MAMBILI.
In his latest Press release, Dr. Kinity stated that corruption remains biggest challenge in Kenya, terming it the parent of suffering, poverty, unemployment Land problems and tribalism in the country.
Though he welcomed former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s statement, after all aid, loans, and grants, were stopped by the USA as a wonderful statement, Kinity pointed out that Uhuru’s administration for his ten years reign did not do well either.
The former Unionist was however quick to point out that Uhuru’s administration was not as bad as in the two years of William Ruto’s reign.
Dr. Isaac Newton Kinity at a past function. PHOTO/COURTESY.
He noted that Kenya has all along since the independence in 1963, had enough resources, enough rivers, good arable land, a lot of minerals, the already discovered oil, and it has had a very hard working community, called the Kenyan community but corrupt leadership is the only problem.
“The only problem in Kenya has been corruption. Corruption has been the parent of all the troubles in Kenya. Almost all the past leaders, dead or alive, are questionable in terms of corruption,” he said.
Kinity who has been vocal in advocating for good governance says right now, Kenya needs a new face, be it of an old Kenyan or of a young Kenyan to save the nation.
While giving an example of Bukina Faso that got a very young leader recently, who is vibrant, honest, and running the nation well and Bangladesh that got an elderly leader recently who is vibrant, honest, and who is running the nation well, Dr. Kinity pointed out that those who have been senators, MPs, or Cabinet Secretaries may not be able to end corruption in Kenya because of the corrupt friends they made in Parliament, some of whom are looters of public friends with whom they would sympathise making it hard for ending corruption in Kenya.
Once one corrupt Kenyan is forgiven, he says then all the others will be forgiven.
According to him, Kenya needs a new phase of leadership that will not tolerate corruption.
“Kenya needs a president who would spare none, and this would only be a new phase of a patriotic fearless Kenyan who would spare no Kenyan associated with any kind of corruption, even if it would mean to die for the Kenyan people in the course of ending corruption. There are such kinds of Kenyans, young and elderly who may sacrifice to save Kenyans by ending corruption. Kenyans should not try to play with their own lives anymore by electing Kenyans who would loot public funds mercilessly killing Kenyans. There are young Kenyans like Murara, Kasmwel, Boniface Mwangi, and others from every community and there elderly Kenyans like Rev. Timothy Njoya and many others who have very good record of fighting for Kenyans and from other communities, and they have never had any political position in Kenya and who can serve Kenya and govern well,” he stated.
Dr. Isaac Kinity with other leaders at a past presser.
He revealed that he is also a Kenyan who has fought for Kenyans for many years since he was 20 years of age, tortured and poisoned, only to be saved by extensive treatment which included a brain surgery in the USA, and after having undergone partial paralysis and loss of clear sight from poison allegedly injected in him by Moi government agents.
According to him, the only problem is that not many Kenyans with the mindset of corruption would accept someone like Kinity due to his record of anti corruption knowing do well that he would spare no one alive who was ever associated himself or herself with any kind of looting of billions of public funds in Kenya.
“Nevertheless, it would make no difference if I am president CS, Senator, MP, or not being one of any of those in Kenya, because as long as corruption persists in Kenya I will never shut mouth unless on death or disability. My bother while alive is to continue to challenge those in leadership who, instead of serving Kenyans they struggle to get into leadership to loot public funds to become billionaires overnight,” he stated.
Dr. Kinity is of the opinion that such a vibrant, honest Kenyans might not find their way to leadership especially after the recent statement that was released by Oscar Sudi saying that whether Kenyans liked it or not they will rig the 2027 elections.
The former Unionist adds that something has to be done to either stop William Ruto’s name from the ballot in 2027 election or derive a very smart way of defeating him in the elections.
While weighing in on the rigging of elections come 2027, Kinity stated that the possibility of the rigging of the 2027 election can not be ruled out, especially after William Ruto’s right-hand man, Oscar Sudi, who has often released statements before, released that scary statement.
He slammed those who have declared their Presidential ambitions come 2027.
According to him, they should derive a way of dealing with a rigged election first before declaring candidacy.
Dr. Kinity made a call to Kenyans not to support one for president blindly because of new promises but rather should explore the biography of individual Kenyans for worthiness to lead Kenya in terms of eradicating corruption adding that without the eradication of corruption there will be nothing good to be expected to come out of such leadership no matter how tasty the verbal message would be.
“Suffering will continue as usual if corruption is not killed and buried deep into the ground,” Kinity stated.
In addition, he called on Kenyans to avoid tribalism when choosing the next leader adding that even a Kalenjin or a Kikuyu can be the next president of Kenya as long as one meets the qualifications and the seriousness and commitments of sacrificing to fight corruption to die or to survive in that war.
He says winning the war on corruption is not by arresting petty thieves but to arrest those responsible for looting billions of loans, grants, and the taxes collected.
The former Unionist who has been a serious critic of Kenya Kwanza Government, also noting that Kenyans should not make a mistake of electing anyone who has been a President, a CS, a Senator, an MP, or an MCA before.
He argues that in their course of duty they must have interacted with looters of public funds and made friends, adding that Incase
one of this kind is elected president, it would be practically impossible for any one of them to arrest anyone with whom she/he made friends.
“By sympathizing with one looter of public funds, the chances of arresting others would be extremely slim. Kenyans should try to identify young or elderly Kenyan with proven abilities of leadership. It should not matter from which tribe. Kenya is already injured and needs very urgent care. It is like someone on the streets suffering from an accident. No one in such a condition demands help only from a tribes mate or close relative. One accepts help from anyone willing to provide help. Even when one needs blood after an accident, no one asks for blood only from his tribe, clan, or relative. One accepts blood from anyone regardless of tribe, age, or gender,” he said.