Boost to potato farmers as Governor Kihika launches mechanization equipment

As a way of empowering potato farmers in Nakuru, Governor Susan Kihika has launched assorted mechanization equipment.

The Governor handed over the equipment to Nakuru Potato Cooperative Union on Wednesday July 24, 2024.

Governor Kihika handing over a cheques to members of Saccos.PHOTO/COURTEY.

In addition,  cheques worth Kshs12.6 million were handed to 20 Saccos across the County.

This is as initial support towards agricultural productivity.

“I oversaw the signing of an agreement between Nakuru County and Nakuru Cooperative Union for the use of the tractors,” stated Governor Kihika.

The equipment include four tractors and associated farm equipment, 20 computers for the Saccos, and 20 motorcycles for Nakuru County extension officers to assist farmers.

She at the same time expressed gratitude for the partnership with the World Bank, Hello Tractor and other stakeholders in teaming up Nakuru County Government to promote agricultural production and value addition.

“I want to urge the benefitting Saccos to make use of the equipment and funds to improve production, innovation, reduce after harvest losses to boost farmers incomes and transit towards agro-processing,” stated Kihika.

Pristone Mambili
Author: Pristone Mambili

A trained Journalist with passion for Radio and online Writing.

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