Pomp, colour as Nakuru Hindu Community celebrate 25 years of BAPS Swaminarayan Temple

It was pomp and colour in Nakuru on Sunday October 20, 2024 as Hindu Community congregated to commemorate BAPS Swaminarayan Temple’s 25th year.

The Temple at 58 Nakuru.PHOTO/PRISTONE MAMBILI.

The temple is not only a home for spirituality but fosters personal growth, imparts values of honesty, team work, and righteous living.

The members of the community staged procession, songs and dances around section 58 before congregating at the Magnificent Temple where they shared a meal.

Pomp and colour as Hindu women join in songs and dance during the event.PHOTO/PRISTONE MAMBILI.

Addressing Journalists during the event, Satishbhai Patel – Chairman Nairobi BAPS Swaminarayan Temple revealed that the Temple has been key in supporting social transformation through charity activities in community.

According to him, some of the community activities include blood donation drives, disaster and calamities mitigation as well as education sector.


He reiterated the need for peace of mind that will reflect in the families and society at large as well as ensure that the religious virtues are adhered to.

“We all have a responsibility to ensure a better society through adherence to religious virtues,” he stated.

Sentiments echoed by Chairman Nakuru BAPS Swaminarayan Temple Arvindbhai Patel.

Janvi Patel noted the importance of
BAPS Swaminarayan Temple in shaping the morals.

“We have learnt a lot from this temple key among them good values and the way to live. Whenever we come here, we join to pray for our country,” stated Janvi.

Similar sentiments echoed by Akash Bhatt who pointed out that staying in Kenya away from India, then the Temple nourishes him spiritually.

According to him, the Temple plays key role in shaping the morals of the current and future generations.

“What we learn here today is what we live in the society hence the significance of this Temple,” he stated.

Jay Patel and Vraj Patel are among the youth who have continued to benefit from the Temple.

They noted that the Temple is key in shaping the lives of youth who are now able to shun evil and practice that which is good in society.






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