The Nakuru County Department of Water and Environment, led by CECM Dr. Nelson Maara, joined the Rangers and World in celebrating World Ranger Day on Wednesday July 31, 2024.
The event also saw certificates issued to long-serving officers.
The day was celebrated under the theme for this year, effective protection and management of Kenya’s natural resources by 30 percent of the land, fresh waters and oceans by 2030.
World Ranger Day is observed annually on July 31 to honor rangers killed or injured in the line of duty, often in developing nations and conflict zones.
It should be noted that Rangers are essential in protecting natural and cultural heritage, ensuring a sustainable future, and supporting communities.
Speaking during event, Dr. Maara praised the dedication and courage of rangers, emphasizing their critical role in preserving Kenya’s wildlife and natural landscapes.
He also honored the memory of rangers who have lost their lives in service revealing that Governor Susan Kihika’s administration will collaborate with the Kenya Wildlife Service.
Senior Assistant Director Lucy Makosi and a representative from the County Commissioner’s office were among the attendees.