For many years residents of various estates in Kivumbini Ward among them Shauri Yako, Kivumbini 1, 2, and 3, Kaloleni, Manyani and Phase 2 as well as neighboring Flamingo Ward have had challenges of insecurity orchestrated by criminal groups.
Key among them is the “Confirm” gang that some years back kept on terrorizing innocent members of the community.
The situation left many locals living in fear, even as security agents swung into action to try and address the issue through arrests of the ring leaders.

However, the issue of criminal gangs and insecurity will be a thing of the past in Kivumbini Ward, following a move by members of the scouting community in Nakuru in partnership with other lobby groups to join hands to address the same.
The teams are working closely with neighbouring schools to mentor young people towards becoming environmental conservation ambassadors, hence shunning harmful activities such as drugs and substance abuse and involvement in criminal cases.
Anthony Kinuthia- A scout and Program leader in Nakuru East Sub County of Nakuru County says the Program will go a long way in addressing challenges facing young people in the various informal settlements.
He was speaking on August 13, 2024, during a tree planting exercise at Baharini Primary School which is one of the beneficiaries of the program.
Mr. Kinuthia pointed out that they commenced the tree planting exercise in schools to ensure environment conservation as well ensure beatification and shades for the learners.
In addition, Kinuthia noted that trees also act as therapy and through the same young people can focus and forget about their challenges in life.
He pointed out that since the commencement of the Program, they have been able to mentor learners and young people in society, adding that sooner than later Kivumbini and other informal settlements in Nakuru County will be crime-free zones.
“We know that most schools in Kivumbini Ward are surrounded by the estates that have in the past had a bad image due to criminal activities. However, we are determined through this initiative to help transform our schools, learners, youth and society at large,” he said.
Churchill Osieo from Fulcony Air Scouts who spoke during the activity called on youth to come out in large numbers and join the scout team.
According to him, this will help them through mentorship and keep them busy with activities that are good for society.
“Young people have great potential and that is why we are working towards their mentorship. We urge them to join the scout team so that we can walk the journey together,” he stated.
During the exercise, over 100 trees were planted on a section of Baharini Primary School’s compound to ensure the greening of the school.
The trees were supplied by Youth Green Action Kenya under their program dubbed ‘August Challenge’ to conserve the environment.
Maria Mwenezi from Youth Green Kenya lauded their partnership with the Falcon Scout Team towards the initiative that besides conserving the environment, will also help mentor young people and ensure a crime-free society.
“We chose this school because we want to change the negative narrative of this estate,” she stated.
Sentiments echoed by Baharini Primary School headteacher Ms Beatrice Wairimu who lauded the team for choosing the school as beneficiary of the program.
She noted that such greening activities are key towards the best environment, adding that the involvement of learners in such also imparts knowledge on how they can become responsible Kenyans.
“When we involve learners and youth as a whole, then we are teaching them on matters responsibility especially on active matters environment conservation,” she said.
While noting that her school is surrounded by estates that have had a bad image, she was quick to point out that the school administration is working closely with parents to address the same.
According to the school head, it calls for collective responsibility that will in turn reflect better performance among learners.
She admitted that indeed in the past the criminal activities had affected the schools in the area leading to the population of learners dropping drastically as parents transferred their children to other schools, but there has been an improvement since then.
The headteacher is optimistic that with proper partnership with all stakeholders, things are changing for the better.
“We are trying to ensure discipline is maintained and we know with time and mentorship all will be well and we shall a good society,” she said.