Wakanda FC crowned champions of Njoro NG-CDF Football Tournament

Wakanda FC from Njoro Ward were in Sunday January 14, 2024 Crowned champions of the Njoro NG-CDF Football Tournament.

In the finals played at Jawathu Ground in Njoro Town, Wakanda FC won 6-5 goalsĀ  against Gathafai FC of Mau Narok ward in penalties after a thrilling draw.

Njoro Member of Parliament Charity Kathambi has a word with sports talents during the finals.PHOTO/Courtesy.

Njoro Member of Parliament Charity Kathambi who graced the finals, pointed out that NG-CDF sponsored tournaments in the cosmopolitan constituency are aimed at ending drugs and substance abuse among young people.

She vowed to ensure such sporting platforms are also an avenue for young people to engage in conversation towards their empowerment.

According to the lawmaker, sports for youth program under her patronage will also help foster unity, peace and cohesion among young people and Njoro residents as a whole.

During the finals, winners were awarded courtesy of Njoro NG-CDF sports kitty.

“My heartfelt congratulations go to the Wakanda FC of Njoro ward. I also applaud all the teams that gave their all in this unforgettable tournament! The unity and extraordinary talent showcased on the field were nothing short of inspiring,” she said.

The event was also graced by MCAs Cyrus Ndegwa Dida(Mau Narok), andĀ  Stephen Kamau(Kihingo).

Kathambi revealed that soon she wi be launching Njoro Peace Tournament dubbed ‘Kathambi Peace Tournament.’

“Thank you everyone for attending finals.Congratulations to the winning teams.To the other teams, a slip is NOT a fall.Lets meet in the KATHAMBI PEACE TOURNAMENT,” she stated.


Pristone Mambili
Author: Pristone Mambili

A trained Journalist with passion for Radio and online Writing.

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