Nakuru news

How NACODA has continued to transform Dairy Sector in Nakuru

Nakuru County Dairy Platform (NACODA) has continued to empower Dairy farmers in various sub-counties of Nakuru. This was revealed during this year’s Milk Day and exhibition held at Keringet in Kuresoi South, Nakuru County. The event attracted over 40 exhibitors working in the dairy sector in Nakuru County. Stephen Ogutu Obama from NACODA says since […]

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Nakuru news

Milk Day held in Keringet, Kuresoi South with calls on farmers to embrace technology

This year’s World Milk Day was held in Keringet, Kuresoi South Constituency in Nakuru County with calls on farmers to embrace modern technology. Though the day is held on June 1, in Nakuru County the day was held on Thursday culminating into a two day dairy farmers’ exhibition due to the fact that Kenya Marks […]

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