Schools urged to revive clubs towards environmental conservation

Schools have been encouraged to embrace revival of clubs in schools to nurture them into active environmentalists and help enhance the efforts of government in achieving forest cover.

Speaking at Mauche Primary School, Headteacher Joyce Makori said that the call by government for ownership of communities in achieving the targeted cover would best be driven by young environmentalists.

“I have worked with these clubs for the past one year and their passion for developing tree nurseries and planting the trees signifies a huge transformation in the mindset of society, we need to embrace the clubs in schools because it builds their social interaction and knowledge sharing”, she said.

Mauche location chief Rachel Rop lamented over the luksture attitude of majority of parents to take advantage of the initiative and enhance tree cover.

“We are closer to Mau but we witness parents misusing children during holidays for illegal logging in the nearby Mau forest, we need to start to also play our role in this campaign”, she said.

Pristone Mambili
Author: Pristone Mambili

A trained Journalist with passion for Radio and online Writing.

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