Floods have hit the Mwariki area residents in Rhoda Ward, Nakuru West sub-county. The residents have today woken up to disastrous news following high rainfall that pounded at dawn today.
The 4 AM to 6 AM rains have left many families displaced, property worth thousands destroyed, and some access roads inaccessible.
Below are photos taken at the affected places.
The flood victims with the help of well-wishers could be seen trying to salvage their household goods. The next dilemma is where to seek shelter and how to move.
What next? Families displaced by friends ponder
Salvaging family property after the floods
Displaced by floods
Grieving together
Assessing the floods damage
Early morning flood disaster in Mwariki
Susan Kihika donates food to flood victims, 2020
What next
Time to move
Moving to drier grounds after flooding in Mwariki
Forced to move by floods in Mwariki, Rhoda Ward
Food donations from senator Susan Kihika
Moving to safer grounds
Looking for help after floods
Moving house due to floods
Looking for next course of action after floods
Displaced by floods in Rhoda ward
Displaced by floods in Pondamali
wading the flood waters
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