Opinion – It pays to be courteous

Mary( not her real name) made very good sales in her shop just by being courteous! One day, there was a burial in her area of a very important army personality who had passed on. There was a convoy of posh cars that was a mile long. Mourners had come to give their final respect to the departed soul.

Then Mary saw three posh cars park in front of her shop. All of a sudden one gentleman came out of his car towards her shop. With a smile she greeted him and the man asked,

“Can we park our cars here?”

Without hesitation, Mary answered, “Yes. The cars are safe.”

Thereafter the mourners left her shop and walked a kilometre away to the burial ground. And the fact that the mourners had left their cars a mile away, no doubt had a feeling of cars being stolen or broken into.

After three hours, the funeral came to an end. The gentleman came back and entered the shop. Again Mary, who acted as a security guard all that time, gave her visitor yet another free inviting smile. Then the man said joyfully, ” we are back. Have you had your lunch?”

” Yes. But am waiting for my supper,” Mary said quickly giving her visitor a beaming smile.
Quickly the man groped his pocket and pulled out a wad of currency notes.
“Here is your lunch mama,” he said giving Mary Kshs.1000. The man went on,
“give us sodas and a few bananas.”
With a beaming smile, she served her unexpected guests who ended buying other goods at her shop to a tune of Kshs.3000 and when she added her own cash for supper she had a good cash collection of 4000 shillings just for being courteous and coupled with that godly smile.
It’s good to be courteous. It’s good to give that free smile that emanates deepest from one’s heart.
Martin Gichinga
Author: Martin Gichinga