Nakuru County has a population of 2,162,202 according to the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census (KPHC) conducted in August 2019. In total, Kenya Population has a population of 47,564,296 which means 4.54% of Kenya’s population lives in Nakuru County.
Of the 2,162,202 people in Nakuru, 1,077,272 are male while the female gender stands at 1,084,835. In total, Nakuru has 616,046 households. This means that on average, each household in Nakuru has between 3-4 people.
Nakuru sits on an area of 7,462.4 square feet. With a total of 2,162,202, the population density of Nakuru is thus 290 people per every km square.
In terms of population distribution per sub-county, Naivasha has the highest population at 355,383 people. Of these, 179,222 are males while 176,132 are female. The population density for Naivasha is 181 people per square foot. Conversely, Subukia has the least population in Nakuru County at a total of only 85,164. The population density is however higher than that of Naivasha as it stands at 212.
Nakuru Town West carries the distinction of having the highest population density in Nakuru County. With a population of 198,661 people and an area of only 71.9 km square, it has a population density of 2,764. Nakuru Town East sub-county comes a distant second at a population density of 840. The total population for Nakuru East is 193,926 but sits on a far larger area than Nakuru West.
Below are the figures from all Nakuru County sub-counties.
Sub-County | Women | Men | Total | Area | Density |
Subukia | 43,118 | 42,045 | 85,164 | 401.5 | 212 |
Kuresoi South | 77,117 | 78,204 | 155,324 | 548.2 | 283 |
Molo | 78,598 | 78,129 | 156,732 | 483.2 | 324 |
Kuresoi North | 87,599 | 87,472 | 175,074 | 618.1 | 283 |
Gilgil | 92,247 | 92,247 | 185,209 | 1,075.4 | 172 |
Nakuru Town East | 100,960 | 92,956 | 193,926 | 230.9 | 840 |
Nakuru Town West | 96,854 | 101,797 | 198,661 | 71.9 | 2,764 |
Rongai | 99,922 | 99,976 | 199,906 | 988.1 | 202 |
Bahati | 111,880 | 106,155 | 218,050 | 387.3 | 563 |
Njoro | 120,408 | 118,361 | 238,773 | 699.5 | 341 |
Naivasha | 176,132 | 179,132 | 355,383 | 1958.4 | 181 |
Total | 1,084,835 | 1,076,474 | 2,161,309 | 7462.5 | 290 |