Njoro Member of Parliament Charity Kathambi has lauded the role played by village elders.
She notes that the lot is key especially on matters security at grassroot level.
The Lawmaker also points out that the village elders have also continued to play critical role in matters education.
This, she says is through the mop-up exercise to ensure all children are in schools.
“Our village elders are playing great roles in this country. In relation with the matters of security, matters of elders making sure that even children go to school,” she stated.
Kathambi added that in making a better society, the village elders also continue to spearhead the campaigns against drugs and illegal brews in villages.
This even as resumption of debate on the National Government Coordination (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 25 of 2023 commenced this week.
The National Government Coordination (Amendment) Bill seeks to recognize the elders as national government administrative officers.