Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika says she is not shaken by the naysayers.
Kihika termed such individuals as anti-development lot who do not see value in development agenda she has for Nakurians.
Speaking in Visoi Ward of Rongai Sub-county in Nakuru County on Wednesday September 25, 2024 during the commissioning of water project, Governor Kihika called on electorates to ignore such individuals and rather support her Administration in services delivery.
She insisted that Nakuru county has no room for baseless propaganda and politics of division.
The County Boss vowed to work closely with development-oriented in ensuring development and transformation agenda in all the Wards of Nakuru County.
“There are some people who do not see any good. When you see such people coming here and claiming I have not done any development, shun them and tell them to keep gossip out of development agenda,” said Kihika.
Governor Kihika commissioned Water Project worth Ksh 51.4 million which is a collaboration between the County Government of Nakuru and World Vision.
“We don’t want to see our mothers and sisters going long distances to get water services and that is why we brought this project in the area,” stated Kihika.
More than 10,000 families in 5 Wards benefiting from 29 Water Project at a cost of Ksh 79.2 million.
Locals welcomed the project staring that it will now enable them get water at Affordable pricing.