JOMEC- a centre that has continued to give hope to addicts

Drug abuse and alcohol addiction is a disease that should be and can be treated.

However rehabilitation of such has always remained a challenge as county Governments and National have had hapa in the same.

The gap is what led to the establishment of John Mututho Empowerment Centre (JOMEC) under the Director John Mututho.

This is a place you can refer any of your friends, relatives or colleagues suffering from drug addiction instead of allowing them to suffer in silence.

John Mututho Empowerment Center (JOMEC) is a world class rehab center and one of the best in African.

In a past interview, Mututho who once served as NACADA chair described JOMEC as a place for peace and recovery from substance abuse.

“This is a place for peace and recovery ensuring high standards of treatment,” he stated.

Located on a 15 acre piece of land in Nakuru’s pipeline estate, JOMEC provides a safe haven and respite where anyone who has endured trying times as a victim of drugs and alcohol can get help that they need.

JOMEC is a Nursing Home established under the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act (cap 253) and licensed to operate as a private medical institution.

In the past patients with NHIF have benefited from the centre.

The centre’s mission is informed by scientific evidence that alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictive disorders are treatable illnesses.

It is the nations’ largest and the second largest rehabilitation centre in Africa as measured by enrolment, structure and services provided.

JOMEC provides a holistic bio-psychosocial spiritual and cultural approach is used to help the client deal with identified problems.

A treatment alliance is formed between the client, family and care provider and evidence based modalities are used.

Many civil servants and their close friends or relatives have benefited from the centre.

And even as National Government has commenced the crackdown on illicit brew, plans should be on to ensure those who are addicted are taken through rehabilitation.

Those willing to join JOMEC can calll 24hr HELP LINE  0774 514 635.

Pristone Mambili
Author: Pristone Mambili

A trained Journalist with passion for Radio and online Writing.

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