Internally Displaced Persons in the country have called for enhanced moral guard at family level.
The lot notes that there has been increased families break-ups, poor parenting and lack of bond between parents and their children.
This, the say has led to weak families hence weakening the fabric of society.
Speaking in Nakuru during a meeting, the IDPs called for action from all stakeholders among them parents, religious leaders and local administrators in ensuring strong family units.
Led by IDPs Kenya Patron Peter Tena, they stated that a strong family anchored in values will lead to a more cohesive society that also translates to a strong nation.
He pointed out that even the national dialogues should start at family level through nurturing national values in young people.
“There is a big gap when it comes to parenting and the relationship between parents and their children, hence need to address the same,” he said.
Already the IDPs network is working towards the same through a program targeting children whose parents have been IDPs.
This even as Government has rolled out mechanisms to ensure resettlement of IDPs.
Tena revealed that the process is at advanced stage, lauding Kenya Kwanza government for taking up the matter.
He said this will go a long way in ensuring justice for the IDPs.
According to him, once resettlement is done, they can now embark on farming activities aimed at boosting food security.