Community Health dialogue held in Bondeni with calls on locals to work closely with CHPs

A community Health dialogue was held on April 16,2024 with calls on locals to embrace Community Health Promoters (CHPs).

The Community health dialogue was held by Bondeni Community Health Committee under Bondeni Dispensary with aim to sensitize members of the public on various issues touching on health.

Maurice Otieno- A CHP and Community Health Committee Chair Bondeni Unit, called on locals to ensure they work closely with CHPs.

He added that the new scheme on health will ensure more facilities including level 1 are operating 24 hours.

According to Maurice, those who are on NHIF will have to register afresh towards Social Health Insurance Fund(SHIF) as NHIF will cease operating from July.

Public Health Officer Sarah Gitua on her part called on mothers to ensure deliveries are done in hospitals.

Sentiments echoed by Public Health Officer Adhiambo Felicia

The duo called on CHPs to ensure an end to home deliveries.

“We call on parents to ensure deliveries are done in health facilities,” they stated.

Meanwhile, de-worming statistics indicate that majority of children not dewormed- an issue that health officers say need to be addressed.

On matters mental health, Ken Shujaa-a CHP called on Society to embraceĀ  Psychological First Aid(PFA) before referral on mental illness issues.

According to Ken, MIDRIFT HURINET saw the need to train Community members on PFA who are now working with Community to address issues mental illness.

“As community we need to work together in assisting end mental health issues,” he said.

Sentiments echoed by Britney Masellah- a psychologist with MIDRIFT HURINET.

“We need to cut the circle of mental illness,” she said.

Sheillah Njehia from MIDRIFT HURINET on her part called for need to support in addressing drug and substance abuse.

“There is need for sensitization of society on matters addiction in families,” she said.

Sentiments echoed by Muraya Wanyambugi who was once alcohol addict.

Muraya noted that those in addiction should be supported through love and acceptance.

Mr.Bakari(Officer from Bondeni Police station representing OCS) called for the need to ensure collaboration in addressing drug addiction.

“On issues of drugs, we need to ensure inclusivity in finding a solution.We normally say many youth have no jobs and that is why they engage in drugs and crime, but the thing is youth should tap into the many opportunities that the government is providing. Let’s shun blame game, take responsibility and act in making a society free of crime,” he stated.

He urged parents and more so mothers, to talk to their children and tell them the essence of shunning crime.

According to the officer, with schools closed, parents and residents should help security team in ensuring youth are not engaging in crime.

The meeting also saw talk on matters health, drugs and substance abuse as well as mental health issues and hygiene.

Attended by CHPs and Community Health Committee members,Kazi Clean Group members, Voice 032 on matters governance, Mazingira Network, Muungano wa Wanavijiji, MIDRIFT HURINET led by Sheila Njehia, Agnes Macharia(Assistant Environment Officer Nakuru East), Mungai Kimotho(Environment Officer Nakuru Town) among others.

Pristone Mambili
Author: Pristone Mambili

A trained Journalist with passion for Radio and online Writing.

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