Airports DT Sacco holds 30th Anniversary

Airports DT Sacco on Thursday March 28, 2024 celebrated 30th Anniversary.

Speaking when he graced the event in Nairobi, Co-operatives’ Cabinet Secretary Simon Chelugui stated that since independence, the Cooperatives sector in Kenya has emerged as a significant catalyst of national development, with substantial contributions across all sectors of the economy.

According to the CS, Co-operatives are founded on seven principles that provide foundational guidelines that co-operative organizations follow to ensure democratic governance, member participation, and mutual benefit.

“Operating outside these guidelines voids the uniqueness of the business model they are expected to espouse. The core values guide the co-operatives in making decisions, building relationships, and solving problems. They include Self-help, Self-responsibility; Democracy; Equality; Equity; and Solidarity.

“I was delighted to preside over Airports DT Sacco 30th Anniversary celebrations in Nairobi. The event marked a journey meticulously taken since its inception in 1994,” stated the CS.

This journey started with 18 members, a total share capital (deposits) of 240,000 and an interim management board of five members to the current membership of 2,400, an Asset Base of Ksh. 1.2 billion and being decorated for best performance in some competitive categories is commendable.

Although initially it was only designed for employees of the Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), Airports DT Sacco has since opened its doors and now, today, draws its membership from the general public.

The CS congratulated the Sacco for the role it has played in empowering Kenyans.

“Once again Congratulations Airports Sacco for empowering Kenyans to participate in national development,” he said.

Pristone Mambili
Author: Pristone Mambili

A trained Journalist with passion for Radio and online Writing.

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